An Exposition of the Epistle of First John
By Samuel Eyles Pierce
One will not read very far into any of the writings of Samuel Eyles Pierce before discovering what an exalted view of the Lord Jesus Christ he had. “You will find it a blessed part of your spiritual life to study Christ,” he wrote years earlier in a letter to a good friend, adding, “You will never trust in Christ any farther than you know Him; therefore the knowledge of Him is the principal thing in Christianity.” Pierce restates this essential maxim in his “Prefatory Address” to the following Exposition of First John, asserting that “The true knowledge of Christ, is the one only key, whereby all the treasures contained in this Epistle can be opened: for this contains a spiritual treatise on communion with Christ, and with the Father in Him; through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in us.”
The works of Samuel Pierce have long been held in high esteem by those who love the doctrine of sovereign grace, and C.H. Spurgeon noted that his work on First John was “full of spiritual power and unction,” for Pierce, he wrote, “loved the deep things of God, and wrote upon them in a gracious manner.”
Dr. Robert Hawker esteemed his contemporary Samuel Pierce as a “man of God,” and greatly valued his various productions. “Mr. Pierce’s writings,” he wrote, “appear to me eminently distinguished, as being directed to set forth the Lord Jesus in his essential, personal, relative, and mediatorial glories, and can need no other commendation than their own excellencies.”
The fifth volume in our Newport Commentary Series, is a facsimile of Mr. C.H. Spurgeon’s personal copy from the Spurgeon Library, now located at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Kansas City, Missouri. Cloth. Two volumes in one. 880 pages, with portrait of Samuel E. Pierce.
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From Pastor Paul Rendall, of the Reformed Baptist Church of Tama, Iowa
The reader will be blessed with an in-depth verse-by-verse exposition of the whole book; a rich gold mine in his application of the truth of each passage. It will be well worth the time that you take to consult what Pierce has to say, for you will come away with a greater understanding and appreciation of the truth; to abide in it.