The last essay in A Noble Company, volume 5, is David Irish.
26th Oct 2014
The last essay (number 19) in A Noble Company, volume 5, is David Irish (1757-1815). He was born in Dutchess County, New York and it was there that he was born again in 1775. After his call to the ministry, Irish and his family removed to Western New York, where it is believed that he preached the first evangelical sermon in Cayuga County. He was known to have traveled very extensively to preach the gospel throughout Western New York and into Ontario, Canada. In the latter province he helped found two churches. In 1800, he was called as pastor of the Baptist church at Aurelius (now Fleming), New York. Here his ministry flourished, with a revival in 1806 bringing the total membership to 257―quite a remarkable figure for a frontier congregation. During Irish’s fifteen-year pastorate, the membership would eventually peak at 425 in 1812. In addition to his own congregation, Irish supplied pulpits, baptized converts, and moderated church councils throughout Western New York and Ontario. He was truly one of the great pioneer preachers of his native state.