John Dowling (1807-1878), the 6th subject in A Noble Company, volume 10.
23rd Jan 2018
A quote from the July 1867 issue of American Phrenological Journal, "A Baptist clergyman thus describes him: ‘Indomitable perseverance and untiring industry in endeavouring to do good are striking traits in Dr. Dowling’s character. His preaching, when he has time to thoroughly prepare his discourses, is ratiocinative, pathetic, and powerful. Large audiences flock to hear him. We must not omit another characteristic, which we believe to be very essential for every minister of the Gospel, and that is the remarkably kind manner in which he treats his brethren. He is always ready to take a brother by the hand, and go out of his way to introduce such a brother into a place of usefulness." From the essay by Jeff Straub on John Dowling (1807-1878).