Concerning the Consummation of the Glorious Reign of Grace
24th Jan 2024
"Are you a serious person, and a strict professor? Be it so; yet it behoves you to consider what is the foundation of your hope. . . . A man may be zealous for God, and, in many respects, exemplary in his conversation; yet, after all, perish for ever. What then is the reason of your hope? Is it that grace which reigns through the person and work of Christ? Can you say, . . . “We believe that, through the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, we shall be saved?” Are you come to a point about that most interesting and solemn affair, the salvation of your immortal soul? Is your hope of glory lively and bright, or languid and obscure? Is it such as is attended with rejoicing, as purifies the heart and conduct? Has it Christ and his finished work, together with the promise of Him that cannot lie, for its everlasting support? O, professor, seek for certainty and satisfaction; they are to be had in the knowledge of Christ, and in the belief of his truth. . . . You are building for eternity: be cautious therefore with what materials you build, and upon what foundation. A mistake in the ground of your trust will ruin your soul. Read your Bible, meditate, and pray that the Spirit of truth may direct you in the momentous concern."
This quote comes from the last chapter (XIII) in The Reign of Grace which, along with The Death of Legal Hope are included in our latest book - The Works of Abraham Booth, Volume 2, edited by Zachary Williams.
Hardcover, 326 page, indexed. $27. Get your copy today by visiting our website at