Two Volume Set
This two-volume set on the Psalms by Samuel Eyles Pierce (1746-1829) was formerly one of the scarcest of the full-length Scripture expositions to be found by this early nineteenth-century Baptist minister and author.
When we set out to publish this work, not a single library in the US or Canada listed it among their collections! And in Great Britain, only two libraries were shown to have the volumes. Over a century ago, C. H. Spurgeon in his well-known book Commenting and Commentaries (1885), stated that even in his day this set was "very scarce," while commending Pierce as one who "writes to comfort and edification" on the Psalms. We are therefore honored to make this work available once more to the present generation of Christians.
What makes Pierce's exposition unique among others on the Psalms is that he views the whole book (not just the "messianic" Psalms), as prophetic of Christ and His Church and expounds each chapter in accordance with this central theme. The result is a spiritually rich, Christ-centered treatise on this favorite Old Testament book.
Pierce was a Christian very much in the mold of John Bunyan, and readers are sure to profit from a careful study of these books.
The sixth exposition in our Newport Commentary Series. Bound in grade B black cloth vellum hardcover with acid-free paper. Smyth-sewn.
An Exposition of the Book of Psalms - Volume 1
Set Forth as Prophetic of Christ and His Church
by Samuel Eyles Pierce
669 pages with portrait of Pierce and manuscript note by Pierce.
An Exposition of the Book of Psalms - Volume 2
Set Forth as Prophetic of Christ and His Church
by Samuel Eyles Pierce
704 pages with portrait of Pierce and map of "Scenes in the Life of Samuel Eyles Pierce."
"These well-bound volumes are recommended for anyone seeking to get to grips with the messianic character of the Psalter [or Book of Psalms], for this treatment is distinguished by a strong concentration on Christ. . . . The result is forceful, devotional, and insightful, especially as the author takes pains to connect the experiences woven into the Psalms with the life of the God-man. . . . If you are seeking precise technical information, then Pierce is not your first port of call. However, if you are looking for sermonically-suggestive interpretations, a fresh and stimulating survey of the Psalter, and a clear though perhaps not unerring view of Christ, then this is a helpful resource."
—Jeremy Walker as reviewed in The Banner of Truth Magazine, May 2014.
A note we received from one of our customers: "I truly appreciate the works that you are publishing. I absolutely love the 3-Volume set on the British Particular Baptists and the Works of Abraham Booth. I also have the commentary on John and the one on 1 John. We started a series on Psalms awhile ago and I bought the 2-volume commentary set for my pastor. He quotes from them often. Thanks, Chris"
4 Reviews Hide Reviews Show Reviews
An Exposition of The Psalms
Samuel Eyles Pierce work on the Psalms is a blessing and benefit. He understands Christ to be the central theme throughout the Psalms and aids the reader to see the Greater David.
An Exposition of The Psalms
Pierce provides the most Christocentric view of The Psalms of any commentator I am aware of. If I could only have one reference work to The Psalms, it would be Pierce's work.
Intro is Very Good
Just received my copy one week ago. I purchased originally after reading all that Pierce had to write on Psalm 88. Was refreshed to find such plain speaking: "this Psalm is about the Lord Jesus Christ and no one else." This was my understanding as Ibegan to read and meditate upon this Psalm. But Pierce was a help in confirming and guiding me into further understanding. So far having read Pierce's introduction to the Psalms I am very encouraged. His his introduction is excellent, it is biblical theology, it is Christ exalting, and heart warming. I suspect I will return to the intro again and again for devotion and encouragement. That the Commentary is especially interested in seeing Christ, his person, work and church in all the Psalms is of value to me.
In scanning this commentary, I find it to be excellent! I particularly like the way the author interprets Scripture with Scripture. That makes this commentary exceeding rich. There is much room for deep meditation in the Word by using this commentary. I can see why Mr. Spurgeon had high regard for this writing. In addition, for the price, you cannot go wrong in purchasing this set.